Our Community

At Forest Hills Presbyterian Church, we are truly blessed with an incredible community of individuals who embody the power of togetherness. Through their generosity, passion, and unwavering commitment to our shared mission, we have been able to create a vibrant spiritual home that touches the lives of so many people.

Our members, each with their unique gifts and talents, devote their time and energy to serving on our numerous committees. Their selflessness and dedication to the betterment of our church and the wider community are truly inspiring. They remind us that when we come together, we can achieve greatness beyond measure.

To all our wonderful members, we extend our deepest gratitude and admiration. Together, there is nothing we cannot accomplish!



The Administrative Committee administers and manages the finances to enable the church to meet its Mission statement and handles all personnel matters for those hired by FHPC to enable them to meet the needs of the church.

Meets: 2nd Thursday of the Month, at 6:30 pm, hybrid.

Building & Grounds

The purpose of this committee is to properly maintain the buildings and grounds of the church. From plumbing to painting and everything in between, they ensure our campus remains a safe space for worship, fellowship, and play.

Meets: 1st Thursday of the Month, at 7:00 pm, via Zoom.

Christian Education

This Committee oversees support for all educational programs for children, youth, and adults. This Committee helps plan and coordinate all youth ministry opportunities, as well as encourages participation in conferences for all ages.

Meets: 2nd Wednesday of the Month, at 6:30 pm.

Fellowship & Church Growth

This Committee is focused on hospitality and care in the church. They provide a ministry of care for the congregation, helps new members “feel at home,” and coordinates dinners and receptions.

Meets: Last Tuesday of the Month, at 6:30 pm, via Zoom.

Mission, Outreach & Service

This Committee is focused on being a visible witness to the Good News of the Gospel by providing witness to those who are in need through projects and services. They maintain the Community First Food Bank on our campus.

Meets: 2nd Tuesday of the Month, at 6:30 pm.


This Committee provides support for all matters related to Sunday Worship, as well as all other Special Worship Services, including Weddings, Baptisms, and Funerals.

Meets: 1st Thursday of the Month, at 6:00 pm, via Zoom.



The group of active ruling elders, elected by the congregation, who make decisions for the running of the local church and serve as spiritual leaders of the congregation. In some denominations this group is called the church council. The session has responsibility and power to: provide that the Word of God be preached and heard, primarily through worship; authorize the celebration of the sacraments; receive and dismiss members; provide for the education, ordination, mission, and care of members; oversee financial stewardship and church property; and maintain discipline.

Meets: 3rd Tuesday of the Month, at 6:30 pm.

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